Wednesday, 15 December 2021

The "Moult" sequel is finished!

Today, I finished writing the sequel to Moult. It's called Moult and Purify and it's one of the stories I'm most proud of. It does get a bit weird compared to the first part, but I don't think it ended up being too weird or going too far off the rails or anything like that. Well, I mean, maybe for some people it ruins the first one even if they liked that, but... eh, that's how sequels work.

There are kinda spoilers in the following ramblings, but not really.

A big struggle was avoiding infodumps while including at least some kind of explanation of what happened in the first part, and in the end I decided to make it have a couple of infodumpy parts but make sure they also deepen the mystery in a way.

Also, the plot went through two major revisions. Honestly, the first version was so batshit insane that when I read it after it was close to "finished", I just thought "wtf did I just write?" and knew I had to rewrite basically two thirds of the whole thing. Even the notes started getting ridiculous, to a point where I was coming up with characters that lived 300 years ago and had zero relevance to the plot just to keep track of the timeline... I shit you not, the first version went so over the top with everything and in such a different direction from the original "Moult" that I'm embarrassed I wrote it as a sequel to that.😂

Oh, and there was a part where I first wrote this because it just had to be written:

Makes absolutely no sense in the context of the story as it turned out, but at that time the story went in such a stupid direction that that paragraph didn't feel at all out of place. So yeah, that's why writing it took so long. Or I mean, I still haven't finished some stuff I started writing in 2013 so maybe this was still fast compared to my usual pace. Well, whatever. I'm just glad I got this sequel finished.

Will there be a third part? Uhh... I do have a potential plot in mind for that, but I'm not sure yet.

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